We Help Heal Wounds too

Ronald has been suffering from chronic leg and foot ulcers due to the tissue damage brought
about by severe leprosy in the past years. Due to the COVID-19 general quarantine, he was
unable to earn, to afford medications and wound dressings, and to follow-up at Philippine
General Hospital. His leg ulcers became infected and worsened during the floods brought about
by typhoons.
Fortunately, Ronald is a member of the PGH Hansen’s Club and his problem was immediately
referred to the PALs4PALs Help Hotline COVID Assistance project. Medical assistance has
reached Persons Affected by Leprosy through our joint project with the Sasakawa Health
Foundation. With the assistance of the Dept. of Dermatology- Philippine General Hospital,
Ronald received antibiotic creams, wound cleaning solution, and wound dressing materials. His
leg ulcers are healing faster and he follows up regularly now at the Dermatology Out-patient
clinic. He still needs a lot of cleaning and wound dressing materials before the leg ulcers can
fully heal.
We are all very blessed with this project!









Caption 1. Large, infected leg ulcers made walking painful for Ronald (December 2020)

Caption 2.  Leg ulcers are now cleaned daily, treated with antibiotic creams, and protected with sterile gauze daily by Ronald (February 2021)