What We Do

The Philippine Leprosy Mission, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit church-related agency dedicated to the welfare of persons with leprosy and persons affected by leprosy. We look forward to a leprosy-free Philippines for the glory of God.

Meet our partners Our work with DOH

Capability Building and Enhancement

Building across organizations

Providing appropriate skills and technology in order to build and strengthen organizations composed of PWLs and PALs

Scholarships for PWLs or their dependents

National Scholarship Program. Educational assistance to PWLs or their dependents Partnering with Churches or Church-based organizations in their spiritual enrichment ministries and community outreach work

Community Advocacy

Supporting community initiatives for awareness-raising and social mobilization

Alternative Livelihood

Augmentation of the family income through small-scale income-generating projects

Christian Education and Nurture

Clarification / Formation of moral ethical values.

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